Monty Python - Background To History

Background To History
Monty Python

The Background to History, Part IV

PROF. JONES: Good evening. One of the main elements in any assessment of the medieval open
(A rocking beat starts and a 60s
To plough once in the winter Sowing, and again in Lent,
Sowing with as many oxen
Sowing with as many oxen
As he shall have yoked in the plough
Oh yes
Oh yes
As he shall have yoked in the plough.
Oh yes
Oh yes

PROF. JONES: But of course there is considerable evidence of open
Theeeeeere's evTheeeeeere's evThere's evidence (evidence)
Evidence (evidence)
Evidence (evidence?)
There's evidence (evidence!)

Evidence of settlements with one long village street,
Farmsteads, hamlets, little towns By the tiiiiime ... (OF THE NORMAN CONQUEST!) The rural framework was complete
PROF. JONES: This is not to say, of course, that the system was as sophisticated as it later came to be. I asked the Professor of Medieval studies at Cambridge why this was.

PROF. HEGERMAN: (stuttering) Well, i
PROF. JONES: To do boonwork?

PROF. HEGERMANN: That's right. There's an example, ah, from the village rolls, ah, in 1313.

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