Borknagar - Resonance


06. Resonance

Mind has compressed what it lent from the ear.
Thunderous events below the atmosphere.
Like a diamond that sings of external pressure.
Hibernate within my fissures.
That time seems cruel to our memory.
Expressive bow strokes in the bodily universe.
But this zenith is chased by a curse.

Soon fade into a monotonous symphony.
Like solar flares that reach our plexus.
Through the cloud chamber?,?'s web.
So we learnt to forget about essentiality.

But its spirit still exists in me.

And deny the primal frequency.
As my existence is its gree.
Like fertility found its mother in fallow.
Organic development was to follow.
And intelligence defeated pother.
We found our ethics in each other.
Earthquake: Its stentorian chord.

The core?,?'s hollow choir.
Fields tremble where Alps aboard.
The resonance, that even deletes fire.

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