Yes - Quartet


i I Wanna Learn
(Anderson Howe Wakeman Bruford)
I wanna learn more about you
We haven't spoke in quite a while
And all of the dreams that come true
So surprising how it catches you

I wanna learn more about me
I've been sinking like a setting stone
And now the dreams are realising it's true
That's why I wanna learn about you

I wanna know more about life
And things that can fly in between my mind
I wanna change all the I dream about
My waking and my so many lives, oh my

I wanna learn more about you
We haven't spoke in quite a while
Just let me, let me come through
I'll give you my heart, my life for life

ii She Gives Me Love
(Anderson Howe Wakeman Bruford Dowling)
She gives me love
When love had gone away
When the pressure came so fast
She give me love
Long distance runaround
And in between the pressure
I was summoned

How did we dance on the south side of the sky
We saw the flags flying on the moon
And thru the gates of delirium so fast
Believing in the light was a beginning
Only to believe in you
Only to believe in you

She give me love
When I was losing fast
I was awakened by the dream
She was the love for me
the first and last
And all that I remembered
Was the roundabout only to believe in you

iii Who Was The First
(Anderson Howe Wakeman Bruford)
Who was the first to show
The moon at night
Is never so far away
We are the first to define the
Languages of love

Who was the first to learn
The universal consciousness divine
We are the first to discover
This day in our time

And when the history of science
Re-writes itself eac

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