XTC - Washaway


Mother's in the kitchen steaming up the window panes
Smell of boiling cabbage comes up from an open drain
But no amount of scrubbing could ever shift a gravy stain

Washaway washaway washerette
No one feels exerted
Streets lay deserted
Washaway washaway every dirty stain you get

Sat on their couches
With loose change in their pouches

They couldn't spend it if they tried
In comes Mr Softee
Ringing for his supper
Dressed up like and ice cream cone
Heading for a stately home
But a thousand Yorkshire puddings

Couldn't make his business boom
To kill time in droves they squander
See how they wander
That feed on the mind, oh bother
Money in centres

It just gets you down
Business as usual at the uptown launderette
Washaway washaway washerette

Washaway washaway the dirt
Wash it
Washaway the dirt

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