Various Artists - Without You Mimi's Apartment

Without You Mimi's Apartment
Various Artists

Three beds appear downstage. One, a hospital bed, is occupied by
ANGEL. ROGER sits on another, JOANNE on the third. MIMI
approaches ROGER, and then appears to be in a hurry.)

Where were you?

I'm sorry I'm late...

ROGER (interrupting)
I know. You lost your keys. No, you went for a walk; you had to help
your mother. (As he picks up the guitar) And how's Benny? I'm gonna
work upstairs tonight.

I should tell you
I should ...
Never mind...

Happy Spring

(ROGER exits. MIMI pulls out a justit across the room. As she sings the following, a stylized "musical
beds" is choreographed around her; during the bridge of the song,
COLLINS carries ANGEL from the hospital bed and ROGER takes his
place. By the end of the song, MAUREEN and JOANNE are reunited,
as are ROGER and MIMI. COLLINS and ANGEL have lain down
together, where ANGEL dies.)

Without you
The ground thaws
The rain falls
The grass grows

Without you
The seeds root
The flowers bloom

The children play
The poets dream
The stars gleam
Without you
The eagles fly
The earth turns

The sun burns
But I die
Without you

The breeze warms
Without you

The girl smiles
The cloud moves
Without you
The tides change
The boys run
The oceans crash

The crowds roar
The days soar
The babies cry
Without you

The moon glows
The river flows
But I die

Without you
The world revives

Colors renew

But I know blue
Only blue
Lonely blue
Within me, blue
Without you

The hand gropes
Without you
The pulse beats
The ear hears

Without you
The eyes gaze
The legs walk
The lungs breathe

The mind churns
The heart yearns
The tears dry
Without you

Life goes on
But I'm gone
Cause I die

Without you

Without you

Without you

Without you

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