Various Artists - Voice Mail 3

Voice Mail 3
Various Artists

Lights up on MRS. COHEN, who's standing on a chair and holding up
a phone.)

Mark, it's the wicked witch of the west your mother
Happy new year from Scarsdale
We're all impressed that the riot footage
Honey Love, Mom

Made the nightly news
Even your father says Mazeltov
(MRS. COHEN, stepping off the chair, passes the phone to ALEXI

ALEXI DARLING (on the chair)
Mark Cohen

Alexi Darling from Buzzline
Oh, that show's so sleazy.

Your footage on the riots: AI'm sending you a contract
Feature segment KerMarky give us a call 970Or at home try 863Or Or At Darling Alexi Newscom dot net
Or (Beeeep

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