Various Artists - The Busy Prepositions

The Busy Prepositions
Various Artists

Like a butterfly
or like a bee,
these little words
Like an ant
as busy as can be,
we call the busy P's.

Nine or ten of them do most all of the work.
(of, on, to, with, in, from, by, far, at over, across)
and many others do their job,
their noun or pronoun object
which is simply to connect
to some other word in the sentence.
Busy P's...

If you please.
On the top is where you are.
With a friend you'll travel far.
(top relates to where)
(with a friend you'll go)
If you try you know that you can fly.
Over the rainbow.

(over the rainbow is where you can fly)
Always on the go.
Busy prepositions.
Like a bunch of busy bees,
Buzzing over the medows,
Floating pollen on the breese.
beyond the forrest, through the trees,
into the beehive.
Busy, busy P's.
(in, to, beyond, over, on, through)

Busy prepositions.
Always out in front.
On the edges, in the cracks.
'round the corner 'round the back.
In between the action,
stating clearly to your satisfaction,
the location and direction.
Prepositions give specific information.

Though little words they are
they never stand alone.

you soon will see
Gathering words behind them
how they have grown into the parade.
A prepositional phrase.
With a noun or at least a pronoun
bringing up the rear.
A little phrase of two or
(Prepositions! Attention! Foreward march!)

three or four or more words.
Busy Prepositions.
Always on the march.
Like a hoarde of soldier ants,
inching bravely foreward on the slimest chance
that they might better their positions.

Busy, busy prepositions.
In the air. On the ground. Everywhere.
The sun sank lower in the west, In the west it sank. And
it will rise in the morning, and will bring the light of day.
Each day the sun comes up in the east,
everydayyyyyyy. In the east it rises. Busy Prepositions.
Busy, busy, busy. On the top is where you are. On the
top. If you will try you know that you can fly. Fly where?
Over the rainbow

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