Various Artists - Salome

Various Artists

Norma:Salome, what a woman, what a part!
Innocent body and a sinful heart,
Inflaming Herod's lust,
But secretly loving a holy man.

Joe:well, I had nothing urgent coming up,
Nobody could play her like I can.
It's fun to see how bad bad writing can be,
I thought I might as well skim it.

This promised to go to the limit.
Norma:there's so many great scenes, I can't wait.
A boiling cauldron of love and hate.
He reels tormented through the
She toys with Herod
Till he's putty in her hands
Desert sands
Joe:it sure was a real cheery setThe wind breezing through that organ

Max shuffling around and a dead ape
Dumped on a shelf
And her staring like a gorgon
Norma:they drag the Baptist up from the jails

She dances the dance of the seven veils.

Herod says: I'll give you anything.
The guy with the baby casket.
Joe:now it was time for some comedy relief
Must have seen a thing or two, that chimp,
Shame it was to late to ask it

Norma:have you got to the scene where she
Asks for his head?
If she can't have him living, She'll
take him dead.
They bring in his head on a silver tray.
She kisses his mouth. it's a great

What the hell was I doing?
Joe:it got to be eleven, I was feeling ill
Melodrama and sweet champagne
And a garbled plot from a scrambled brain;

But I had my one plot brewing.
Just how old is Salome?


Joe:could be it's a little long
Maybe the opening's wrong
But it's extremely good for a beginner.
Norma:no, it's a perfect start,
I wrote that with my heart
The riverbank, the Baptist, and the sinner.
Joe:shouldn't there be some dialogue?
Norma:I can say anything I want with my eyes.
Norma:I will not have it butchered!
Joe:it could use a few cuts.
Joe:I'm not talking limb from limb,
I just mean a little trim
All you need is someone who can edit.
Norma:I want someone with a knack
Not just any studio hack
And don't think for a minute I'll share

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