Van Der Graaf Generator - Meurglys Iii The Songwriter's Guild

Meurglys Iii The Songwriter's Guild
Van Der Graaf Generator

These days I mainly just talk to plants and dogsall human contact seems painful, risky, odd,
so I stay acting god in my own universe
where I trade cigarettes in return for songs.
The deal's made harder the longer I go on:
I find me gone from all but the secret languages.

If only I could phrase satisfactory words
in conversation to make my passion heard....
If only...

Meurglys III, he's my friend,
the only one that I can trust
to let it be without pretence
It's killing me, but in the end
there's nothere's none in all the masks of men.
There's nothing else
but my guitar...
I suppose he'll have to do.

Talking in tongues is easy when you know how,
quite pleasing, but still nothing works out right.
Pressurised lungs, heart bleeding, you'd better slow down
and show that you can make it through the night.
However dark it seems, the present is just the present,
beyond it no future darkness lies concealed
and through these desperate dreams,
this longing for friends and comfort
you know that in the end all will be revealed.
When no more plants or dogs or rooms are there
to hear you
and noin the end there's only you and Meurglys III
and this is just what you chose to be,

Though I know all this is just escape,
I run because I don't know where the prison lies.
In songs like this I can bear the weight....
I'm running still
I shall until
one day I hope that I'll arrive

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