Utopia - Chapter And Verse

Chapter And Verse

I got the dictionary in my hand
There just ain't anymore
I've got a million choices in my head
I've checked every letter, now I'm up to Z
But I can't seem to find the word I'm looking for
I shelled out a quarter for a greeting card
Now I can't seem to get my pen to do the rest
If I could only chose the one that says it best

But I know it all by heart, chapter and verse
But it's so deep inside it can't be heard
I'll quote you any part, every word
I know there's a message in between the lines

I've got the Sunday paper in my hand
And I've been working on the weekly cryptogram
That's the same way I am
I got the crossword puzzle half complete
But now I need another word four letters long
It's just like the way I want a perfect fit
I can settle for less but all of them are wrong

It's my weakest quality, no vocabulary
There could be no jealousy over my poetry
I got the scrabble letters in a pile
But there could never be enough to say it all
I know you don't wanna hear the same old line
So you'll just have the read the writing on the wall

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