Ben Folds - Gracie

Ben Folds

You can't fool me

I saw you when you came out
You got your momma's taste

But you got my mouth

You will always have a part of me
And nobody else is ever gonna see

Gracie girl

With your cards to your chest

Walking on your toes
What you got in the box

Only Gracie knows

And I would never try to make you

Anything you didn't really want to be

Gracie girl

Life flies by in seconds

You're not a baby

You're my friend

You'll be a lady soon
But until then

You got to do what I say

Nodding off in my arms watching TV
I won't move you an inch

Even though my arm's asleep

One day you're gonna want to go

I hope we taught you everything
You need to know

Gracie girl

And you will always be apart of me
And nobody else is ever going to see

But you and me
A little girl

My Gracie girl

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