Axenstar - King Of Tragedy

King Of Tragedy

Magic rides to the future king

The Gods of war sent all their sins

While the dragons still flying

He saw his warriors dying
Forever he keeps his heart warm of desire and hope

Fighting the shadowlands mighty storm

All alone on his throne holding powers unkown

Seeking wisdom of Gods and the will to carry on

In his eyes you can see he's his own enemy

Behold King of Tragedy

In his castle of ancient times

Overlooking horizons wide

The angel of his life he though he'd found

Her heart was the one thing she could never give to him
But tragedy was set to be abound

Lonely as so many times before...

He will conquer and be the lord

Alone with his mighty golden sword

Obey the King of your land

And fight the blood from your hand

One he ruled all his lands with a firm irohand
Not a queen by his side never knew the reason why

At the end of the tale I now finally see
That the Tragic King is me
All alone on my throne once held powers so strong

Seerched for wisdom of Gods and the will to carry on
In my eyes you can see peaceful rest finally

Behold King of Tragedy

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