Avulsed - Carnivoracity


Precise Hack To Crush The Neck
Hang Upside Down From A Meathook
Slow Blood
Excruciating Suffocation
Trachea Is Deadly Damaged
Anguishing Expiration
Impossible To Breath

Phlebotomy In Agony
Blood Spurts On Her Face
Convulsing Before Her Death
Rigor Mortis

Proudly I Contemplate My Ration
Emaciated Bloody Prey
Morbid Succulent Consumption
Edible Human Carnage

[Act II: Feast]
You Are Considered
Only A Piece Of Flesh!!

Quartered And Torn To Pieces
Disemboweled, Emptied Of Her Guts
Entrails Are Put In A Bucket
Fill My Glass With Cold Pus

My Knife Cuts Gluteal Fillets
On A Plate With Bile Sauce
Her Heart Lies On A Tray
Eyes Are Incised With A Fork

[Carnivoracity Carnivoracity Carnivoracity Carnivoracity
[Act III: Morbidious Greediness]

Butcher, Sanguinary
Killer, Flesh Is My Life
Animal And Human Meat
It's The Same, All Is Right

[Act IV: Funeral Digestion]
Into The MeatHer Rests Are Minced
Piles Of Chopped Meat
Nothing Is Wasted
The Foetus I've Found Into Her Womb
Is Roasted In The Oven
Before The Birth
It's Life Is Over

Brain Ice For Dessert
Nothing Left But Bones And Vessels
I've Digested All Her Body
My Stomach Is Her Coffin

[Carnivoracity Carnivoracity Carnivoracity Carnivoracity - I Just Want To Eat

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