Astaroth - Resistance (the Rebellion)


We are the fallen ones

Begin the resistance

The moon has changed day into darkness
As we are kissed by funeral winds

Marching toward the horizon

In fragmantic grim atmospeheres
When the mysterious touch of darkness whispers

And hidden we will spread our wings

(So) may the night carry our minds to revenge
(We) seeking the path to end up in glory

In the shimmering and burning firmament

Summoned we stand with dying feelings in our hearts

Prepared to start the dance of pure violence

Frozen silhouettes, beyond thy firmament, awaits those who cannot win

Across the ocean of clouds we arise like a storm of everflowing tears

Preludium of the forsaken, the tragical horizon of peace

Oh crimson beauty

Embraced in silence Oh crimson beauty
Welcome my glory

So outside the gate we stand to enter once again the halls of false eternity

A supreme shimmering spectrum offers, tormented cosmic chaos

Enchanted symphonies of dawn lurk beyond, thy profane cryptic soulentrance

Thou darkest dreams an astral solution

Welcome rebellion the nocturnal resistance

Oh crimson beauty

Night's protecting me Oh crimson beauty
Create obscurity

Seduced in solitary dreams in harmless romantic forced whispers

Return to the pure sound of innocence the power of the night

Oh solution
This time thy delirious Heaven shall be mine forced gentle to kiss my profane mind
The second storm rebellion, the profane resistance

And all stars shall shine on velvet streamed illusions to the glimmering blaze of glory

Look at the Heaven, the angelic forsaken sky of bitterness
Come forth, far beyond, to the astral grave

(To the abyss millennium asylum of peaceful tyranny)

Oh crimson beauty
Forsaken centuries
Oh supreme Angels
I'll bury peace - for perfect harmony

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