New Model Army - Higher Wall

Higher Wall
New Model Army

We're out here on the borders with our favourite few possessions

Traded stories whispered round the fire

As shadows in the searchlights, mugshots in the files

Waiting in the camps behind the wire

Kick the door until it opens, what you have you cannot hold
We are young, forever hungry, you are fat and growing old
Still every day you try to build a higher wall

We pick the leaves of coca, we stack the crates of cola

We wait upon the tables where you dine
And learn from you not to accept the little that we're given

To take the piece of silver where we can

Now clutching at these papers in another office line

We're staring from the darkness up at windows filled with light
And every day you try to build a higher wall

In my town we used to pray to idols sent from far away

From out beyond the dusty days, we heard your voices call
And in your town the streets are cleaned

The order stands, the sirens scream

You talk of peace, vacation dreams

Now in the queues at immigration, in the border zone
We are your bastard children, all coming home

And every day you try to build a higher wall

Every day you try to build a higher wall

And you violence cannot stop us

But your money cannot stop us
No you will never stop us with your higher wall

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