New Kids On The Block - Stay With Me Baby

Stay With Me Baby
New Kids On The Block

Yah, man
And I don't know where it's going to take us
Oh we're going to have some fun with this one, man
But it's a long way from Boston
Here we go

Stay with me baby
Stay with me baby
Me whole life long
Stay with me baby
I can't do you no wrong
Stay with me baby

You were lookin' so good
Me saw you walkin' down the street
Then me didn't know what to say
You were lookin' so sweet
All I know is that you're brightening up
A beautiful day

Oh yah, we're groovin' now man
Nobody can tell me my baby's not for real
They don't know just how she feels
What a girl me pretty little t'ing

I could never repay you for the love
The onlt t'ing that we know for sure
Me play everyday and stay with me for eternity
You've given to me
Me could never ever doubt you
Nobocan tell me my baby's not the best

She's the best
She's so fresh
What a girl me pretty little t'ing

We be jammin

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