Moonspell - Opus Diabolicum (andamento Iii / Instrumental Compendyum)

Opus Diabolicum

"Voa Serpente do orgulho,
Me da terra, nossa Me
Lei daqueles que clamam
P'lo Homo Natura, p'la flama,
Voa erotico Pentagramma
E destroi, e destroi quem te ama."

[Langsuyar T. Rex]
[Fall 1993]

"MasturbarEnrabarOferecesse um cu minha incontinncia;
Meu brao o corao te arrancar
Para com o meu fundo horror melhor te penetrar."

[Marquis de Sade (1740
[English translation:]

"Fly, serpent of pride,
Mother of earth, our Mother
Law of those who claim
For the Homo Natura, for the flame,
Fly erotic Pentagram
And destroy, destroy those who love us."

[Langsuyar T. Rex]
[Fall 1993 e.v.]

"I would masturbate over your divinity,
Sodomize you if your feeble existence
would offer an ass to my incontinence;
My arm thy heart would pull out
So that with my profound horror better could I penetrate you."
[Marquis de Sade (1740-1814)]

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