Arrogant Worms - Stalker Girl

Stalker Girl
Arrogant Worms

When I joined a band I thought my life was pretty cool
We'd stay in hotels with room service and pools
Sign body parts for fans
Check into rehab and smash up the van
But looking back I should have stayed in school.

Life out on the road can be dangerous you see
To rock stock food and smelly roadies
Are not nearly as scary
As that girl who's at every show
The stalker girl is scaring the hell out of me
Mouthing the words from the front row
She's my creepy stalker girl

I'm the centre of her wacked out crazy and delusional world
She's even got a bag with some bits of my hair
Just go away you creepy stalker girl
She follows me every everywhere

She says I touch her in a very special way
But I'd never go near her now without my pepper spray
And the voices in her head
And they also said that shaving the cat was okay
Said break into my house and sleep in my bed

She's my creepy stalker girl
I'm the centre of her wacked out crazy and delusional world
She follows me every everywhere
Just go away you creepy stalker girl
She's even got a bag with some bits of my hair
You're manic obsessive with abandonment issues
I've analysed your handwriting and I've got some bad news

Are about you and you're usually wrong
And you think that all our songs
Except for now this song is so about you
You creepy stalker girl, you creepy stalker girl, you creepy stalker girl

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