Ministry - Thieves


thieves, thieves and liars, murderers
hypocrites and bastards [in laughter]

hey thanks for nothing!
morals in the dust
twono trust

thieves! liar!
inside, outside, which side, you don't know
my side, your side, their side, we don't know
which side are they? which side are they?
which side of their mouth do you suppose that it came?
inside, outside, which side, you don't know
which side are they? which side are they?
my side, your side, their side, we don't know

which side of the grass is greener?
you're like a great big fucking gun,
just waiting to get squeezed!

breathe, forfeit erection!
toxical injection
geriatric fuckwe still believe in lies

thieves! liar!
inside, outside, which side, you don't know
my side, your side, their side, we don't know
who started it? who started it?
which side of the grass is greener?
which side are they? which side are they?
which side of their mouth do you suppose that it came?
inside, outside, which side, you don't know
my side, your side, their side, no one knows
which side are they? which side are they?

you're like a great big hit of acid,
waiting to be taken

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