Arcturus - Naar Kulda Tar (frostnettenes Prolog)

Naar Kulda Tar

Naar vinteren tar bitter fart
Og steiner sprekker I frostklar natt
Ved svarte tjern under naken li
Da er villmarken vond aa ferdes I

Vi befarer store sletter
Der sneen ligger tykk
Det blaaser kaldt Vi har s?rgelig nok forfalt

Fra still tjern
Till hortbetonte vidder

[English translation:]

[When The Cold Takes]

When the winter takes a bitter speed
And stones crack in the frostBy black lakes under naked slope
Then is the wilderness hard to go through

We walk across vast planes
Where the snow lies thick
It blows cold Sadly, we have fallen enough

From still lakes
To farFarewell

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