Galactic Cowboys - Through

Galactic Cowboys

butterflies sunflowers

two adrift in a moments glance
walking hand in hand

rainbows wildflowers

a promise made in haste

two embark on a fated chance
on blind romance

i thought you were in love

what a fool's mistake
i don't care about love now

it's true i'm through

there were times when i had faith

when i'd see something in your face
then it all just went away

and turned to hate
i thought you were in love

what a fool's mistake

i don't care about love now
it's true i'm through

you assume all my feelings

and live with your lies
your heart's overflowing

while mine is cast aside
island incense and memories of you

i thought we were in love

what a fool's mistake

i don't care about you now

what a twist of fate

i don't care about love now
it's true i'm through

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