אשד מלק - Twists And Turns

Twists And Turns
אשד מלק
מילים ולחן: אשד מלק

What a quiet afternoon for a walk through the park
It’s not looking’ too sunny but it’s still not too dark
Dogs bark and leaves fly and babies cry
See, everybody’s got to die but not right now
There’s still time before the day ends
There’s still time to make some new friends
And drink a cup of coffee and listen to that song
Even though you’re super smart and you knew all along
How this was going to end but still it’s nice to pretend

The game’s tough, and people can’t seem to get enough
Of whatever it is that they want so bad
They won’t even stop or turn their heads
To see something pretty or mourn something dead
Instead they lie in bed, well fed and poorly entertained
By clowns, cowards, liars and slaves
Eloquently, graciously digging graves
Make up - on, lights - on, all good intentions gone
You know you deserve better but something went wrong

Twists and turns burses and burns
And scars to remind you fought the good fight
You bled, and lost, and had your doubts
But you know in the end it was right

Did we meet too soon or maybe too late?
I really can’t tell after all we just met
30 minutes ago or 30 years was that day?
Anyway, I have only this moment and the decision to stay
Or the one to leave hoping I still got some tricks up my sleeve
So which will it be? Does it really matter?
Do you think I’m writing this so you can grow fatter?
So you can chatter about how my writing’s got better?
This is not your lab and am not your rat
I’ve had enough of your shit so fuck you and fuck that

Twists and turns burses and burns
And scars to remind you fought the good fight
You bled, and lost, and had your doubts
But you know in the end it was right

They’ll crown you, command you, they cheer and they boo
They say the future held all kinds of promises for you
But it must have let go because you didn’t get through
Because dreams don’t come true – So I guess reality will have to do
You didn’t want to be a slave nor a master
But we change all too fast and forget even faster
Who we are, who we were and what happened in between
Where we’ve been, what we’ve seen

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