אשד מלק - Holly And Ernie

Holly And Ernie
אשד מלק
מילים: אשד מלק ועוזי בסון
לחן: לא ידוע

Holly had an office job a few miles out of town
A dead end position in a small time business on its way down
She didn't care; she and her husband Ernie had a love so true
They got married in the spring, decided to have a baby too

The months had passed and Holly got pregnant in the fall
And she and Ernie hugged and kissed they felt they had it all
But as the doctor looked up at them and in his eye was dread
He said I'm really sorry to tell you you're baby - it is dead

Holly she was broke when she heard the terrible news
A child was all she wanted - such a precious thing to lose
She cried her eyes out for a week as Ernie held her hand
But she thought he couldn't feel her loss, he did not understand

The winter came, it got cold and first snow touched the ground
Holly felt a little better and had high hopes second time around
But this time too hope didn't do her heart was broke again
She felt she asked so little joy and instead got so much pain

A few years passed and people asked why they never had a child
But Holly never told nobody just looked down, then up, then smiled
But inside she was shattered she felt damaged and in despair
She felt envy seeing moms push strollers through the garden in the summer air

One evening she stayed late at work and everybody was gone
Except for Ben a close friend she had they sat there all alone
Holly then began to speak and told him how her heart was broke
And he had listened patiently and not a word he spoke

He touched her hand and face and then her neck and chest
And kissed her lips and shoulders and then kissed all the rest
And in the moment's passion she felt no regret for what she did
She felt him inside, she might have cried, all she wanted was
a kid

The next morning she looked for Ben he never came to work
A few years later she heard he died from a highway motel clerk
Turns out he loved her for a long time he had his reasons too
She pushed a stroller through the garden and Ernie never knew
Just held her hand again and said look how pretty Jamie grew

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